Lifestyle and Mature Modeling


Lifestyle and Mature ModelingContrary to popular belief, modeling agencies need people of all ages, especially for lifestyle and mature shoots. While the fashion aspect of modeling might end by the late 20s, there’s a lifetime of work available for the model that knows where to look.

Lifestyle Modeling

Most popular for print, lifestyle modeling aims to capture moments in life. These can be candid jokes between two friends or celebratory times between families. Because of this, the models picked are older, starting around the mid-20s. In addition, with the necessity to make these images appear real, the subjects look real, with normal flaws found in all humans. This means imperfections in things like weight, teeth, or height. Appealing to a wide audience means presenting models a person could look at and pretend to be. Typically, the age range for this category extends into the 40s but can overlap with the mature category.

Mature Modeling

For those 35 and up, you can still get into modeling so long as you’re not dead set on walking the runways of Milan. Unless you’re a legend in the modeling field, a more realistic approach would be promoting yourself as a mature model. Much like the lifestyle jobs, mature also flourishes in the print industry where companies use images to sell products to the masses. If you look like the audience the product is marketed for, using you offers far more benefits to the company than trying to employ a much younger person.

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