Auditioning 102: Day of the Audition
Man cheerful after a big audition


Following up on our last audition piece, “Auditioning 101: How to Prepare,” we now focus on the crucial day itself — audition day. This is the moment where all your preparation and hard work pay off. So, how do you ensure your process goes as smoothly as possible? Let’s break it down.

Preparation Is Key

The night before your big day, thorough preparation is crucial. In addition to double-checking applicable materials like your script, music, and dancewear, consider any other items that might be needed, such as a backup outfit or extra copies of your resume and headshot. 

It’s also wise to plan your route to the venue, anticipating any potential traffic or transit delays. And a good night’s sleep is paramount; rest is as vital as any physical preparation. By ensuring everything is in order the evening before, you can approach the day with a calm and focused mindset, ready to make a strong and positive first impression. Remember, in the world of auditions, being well-prepared is half the battle won.

Managing Your Energy

Audition days can be lengthy and unpredictable, so it pays to be ready for any circumstance. For instance, bring snacks and water to keep your energy up. To avoid spiraling into anxiety, plan how to spend long waiting periods. Will you listen to music, read, or maybe chat with fellow auditioners? Consider what relaxes you and reduces nervousness.

Mental and Physical Warm-Up

Just like athletes, performers need to warm up. It’s essential to dedicate time for both mental and physical preparation on your big day. Engaging in vocal exercises helps clear and prepare your voice, especially if your audition includes speaking or singing. 

Physical stretches or light exercises not only awaken your body but also help in releasing any pent-up tension. This is also an opportune moment to mentally rehearse your lines, ensuring they flow naturally and confidently. By finding a quiet space to center yourself, you can enter the audition room in the right mindset — focused yet relaxed, fully ready to embrace the challenge ahead.

Expect the Unexpected

During auditions, you might be asked to perform in ways you hadn’t anticipated. Be flexible and open to directions. This isn’t just about showcasing your talent but also demonstrating your adaptability and willingness to collaborate.

Enjoy the Moment

Remember why you’re here. You love performing, so relish the opportunity. Auditions are not just about getting the part; they’re a chance to learn, grow, and enjoy the journey. Be present in the moment and give it your all.

Handling the Outcome

You’ve done your part; now it’s out of your hands. The decisions made post your performance are beyond your control. Whether you get the part or not, it’s not a definitive measure of your talent or worth as a performer. Remember: Every audition is a stepping stone in your career.

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