How to Change Your Skin Care Routine for Fall and Winter

That first chill of fall is always a welcome escape from the heat of summer. On it rides the excitement of holidays, time with loved ones, and a much-needed rest from the business of work. It also carries with it temperature, humidity, and sunlight changes that force a shift in how we should care for our skin.

More Moisturizer

Those cool breezes and winter winds are terrible for retaining moisture. In order to fight the dryness, it’s time to apply even more moisturizer. Invest in a thicker bedtime moisturizer that is made for sensitive skin. You want to make sure those pores remain unclogged.

Avoid Exfoliation

Your skin produces natural barriers to deal with the harsher elements. When we exfoliate, we wipe those away, leaving our now raw skin even more exposed to damaging cold. Where warm temperatures and humidity help protect the skin, cold and dry damage it, so your skin needs as much help as it can get to produce a healthy buffer.

Stick with Sunscreen

Just because the days are shorter doesn’t mean the sun isn’t kissing your cheeks. UV radiation is always a threat. Luckily, however, the angle of the sunlight and decrease in exposure means you can use less of it. Choose an SPF 30.

Drink More Water

It’s easy to stay hydrated in the summer months when you feel thirsty all the time but you aren’t any less prone to dehydration during the fall in winter just because of the temperature fluctuation. On top of that, we tend to drink hot drinks, like teas and chocolates, two things that actively dry us out. By consciously keeping up the water intake, you keep your face full and bright no matter how short the days.

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