Modeling: Commercial versus High Fashion

Modeling: Commercial versus High FashionModeling is a diverse field with jobs for every age, every shape, and every size. That being said, it does come with two very separate spheres—commercial and fashion. What you end up in and, realistically, what you should pursue is very much based on your physical features.


The Basics

Commercial fashion is all-encompassing and sports the highest number of modeling opportunities. It’s the type of modeling you see in magazines, on billboards, and on other print or digital mediums. Because of this, there’s no one standard the models are held to. Every product being sold requires a different look so a uniform fit is impossible to impose.


Commercial modeling is possible to do wherever modeling agencies set up shop. While the most successful are located in big cities, like New York and LA, it is possible to find relative success in smaller towns.


High Fashion

The Basics

High fashion is strict with what it expects from its models. This is because they must model clothing and if that clothing doesn’t hang correctly, it’s not meeting the needs of the designers. These models are walking displays. For women, they are expected to be between 5’8” and 6’0”. Men must fall between 5’9” and 6’2”.


Fashion models are globetrotters, flying around the world to walk runways in New York, Paris, and all the major fashion hubs. They are also expected to perform at social events to endorse brands they have contracts with.

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